Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wise Advice

Potty training is just not fun. Sometimes I'm not sure who it's harder on... mommy or child? (Actually, I'm pretty sure it's hardest on mommies.) Here's one of my favorite memories from when Sarabeth was three years old.

I always asked her to go potty before I put her clothes on, but she usually said she didn't have to go. Even when I sat her on the potty, she wouldn't go. So, as you can imagine, I was very upset when she told me she had to pee right after I put on her ballet tights and leotard. I was fussing and fuming and chastising and complaining as I sat her on the potty... then she sweetly and quietly encouraged me: "Calm down, Mommy. You just need to trust God and do your best and use your imagination, and everything will be okay."

And it was.

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