Sunday, December 30, 2012


A co-worker of Chet's sent our family a wonderful Harry & David "Tower of Treats" for Christmas... Moose Munch, gourmet pears, chocolate covered cherries, mixed nuts, and -- my personal favorite -- chocolate truffles! All of this arrived in a tower of individual gift boxes, carefully packaged into one larger cardboard box. As I unpacked our treats, Christopher saw me pull out the interior cardboard contraption that keeps all the smaller boxes in place during shipping and he immediately begged, "Can I have that? I can use that as a castle for my figurines!"

We've been studying the Middle Ages and life in Medieval times in school recently, and we've learned all about knights and castles and such. I was delighted to see Christopher put our lessons into action with his cardboard castle (to which he added some extra cardboard parts and lots of tape). Hooray for cardboard boxes!

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